SWPD all practicals:-

  1. Practical-1 :- To use HTML text formatting tags to create web page as per given sample.

  2. Practical-2 :-To use hyper link tag to navigate through different web pages as per given sample.

  3. Practical-3 :- To use image tags to create web page as per given sample.

  4. Practical-4 :- To use HTML table tags to create web page as per given sample.

  5. Practical-5 :- To use sorted list to create web page as per given sample page.

  6. Practical-6 :- To use unsorted list to create web page as per given sample page.

  7. Practical-7 :- To use definition list to create web page as per given sample page.

  8. Practical-8 :- To use semantic tags to organize web page contents as per given sample.

  9. Practical-9a :- a. To create a student registration webpage using different HTML form elements

  10. Practical-9b :- b. To create student feedback form using different HTML form elements.

  11. Practical-10 :- To create a bank account opening form using different HTML form elements in Kompozer.

  12. Practical-11 :- Use inline, internal and external style sheets for the student registration form and bank account form created in previous practical.

  13. Practical-12a :- a. To use different CSS elements to create and format your Profile Page (Note: use CSS Background, Text, Font, Tables, Links, Images, Margin etc)

  14. Practical-12b :- b. To create and format your class time table Page Using Different CSS Elements

  15. Practical-13a :- a. find roots of quadratic equation

  16. Practical-13b :- b. find the highest from given three values

  17. Practical-14 :- To use JavaScript to check whether given character is vowel or consonant using if else ladder

  18. Practical-15 :- To use JavaScript to check whether given character is vowel or consonant using switch case.

  19. Practical-16 :- To use JavaScript to print first 10 even numbers.

  20. Practical-17 :- To use JavaScript to calculate power of given number.

  21. Practical-18 :- To use JavaScript to print multiplication table of given number.

  22. Practical-19a :- a. to calculate sum of 1 to n.

  23. Practical-19b :- b. to check whether given number is prime or not.

  24. Practical-20a :- a. take input of student name and address and display in a dialog box.

  25. Practical-20b :- b. change background color of webpage as selected by user from a list of colors given in combo box.

  26. Practical-21a :- a. calculate the factorial of a given number entered into a textbox. Display the result in another textbox

  27. Practical-21b :- b. perform arithmetic operations on two numbers entered into textboxes. Use Radio buttons to select arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction,Multiplication and Division). Display the result in another textbox.